If I remember correctly, I was in 7th class when father returned with a computerised horoscope of me. He was travelling to Punjab, I suppose. I picked up the (A3 paper size) bunch (almost a PhD thesis), as if the horoscope was of a special avataar, finally born. I asked my father, “What’s so special about this?” He said, “It’s believed to be more accurate.” A detailed easy to comprehend description was one of the key differentiators to the horoscope prepared by Astrologers with no access to software. I visualized it as script of a movie soon to be made.
One thing that I remember embarrassed me was the mention of having good relations with girls. The line read as follows, “In due course you will have a great professional repo and have girls as friends. You will enjoy very good relations with all of them.” I never looked like a Casanova with long thin nose and two large ears of an elephant. Then I have a broad forehead that speaks of the quantum of luck I have in my destiny but makes me look bald. Girls have spoken about my calm gestures and my nature to be prompt in finding a reason to laugh.
I am turning 40 in next 9 months and have been successful in being ‘just friends’ with girls known in school, college and then work life. I have not fallen for anyone in my neighbourhood though. I will not be naming any of them except mentioning the key traits that keep them in my memories and makes me yearn for them.
Madam A – Mature to her age, loud and open but with no hints for unexpected advances from boys. I have studied with her for 10 years in school. I remember her for the respect she has always commanded in my thoughts.
Madam B – Slim figure with long legs and cute soft face is what I recall her for. She was select few to be tall amongst girls I have known. I remember her for her voice and smiles. And now I am back in touch with her and thank God she feels she should have known me more in those years.
Madam C – She has sharp features, a photogenic face with attractive lips. She is loved for being independent but no hint of self-importance. She can seek help at the slightest need for it and quite effortlessly. When I met her 23 years after, I feel the urge to be in touch with her forever. She is a friend to keep in touch for rest of my life.
Madam D – She was the one to take lot of liberties with me but then what makes me happy is that never did she doubt my intentions and never did she have to worry for anything unpleasant from my side. I was enjoying my teens with having her around. May be just for a couple of years but unforgettable bond I shared. I don’t know about her.
Madam E – First time when she sought my attention was when my eyes fell on her long hair loosely hanging from a red coloured scrunchy just above her neck line. She was in wearing jeans. It was not before a year later that I happen to find her as a student of our school. She has been an attention seeker despite too slim a body (compared to today’s models), especially in those years. Her smile and length of her skirt kept me attracted to her legs.
Madam F – I remember her from primary days at Gulmohar school for the stylish walk that she had. The edges of her skirts use to swing like a pendulum and hit popliteal fossa (back of knee) diagonally. A charming girl who is now sure to be a great mother.
Madam G – I did not like her carefree nature in 1990s when I first met her. But then the credit of helping me find my love goes to her. Over the time she has been tying rakhi to me. She has over the years lost her wittiness and gained some weight both in her thoughts and body. Phir bhi meri bahan moti nahi hai.
Madam H – She understands me lots. I enjoy getting angry with her because she lets it go away as if nothing happened. She does not let me utter a single negative thought. A selfless and committed girl to know and cherish provided someone dares to win her heart. I will know her for rest of my life.
Madam I – An effortless mentor kind of a relationship with no serious expectations from each other. We have built a routine to talk briefly and it’s to the point. I usually know her more than she knows me but then I do not hesitate to speak my mind and seek her views in matters impacting my life. She at times quite effortlessly points to mistakes I am about to make.
I pray to God for a healthy and sexy life for all of them. I will like to date some of them for rest of my life with first date within next 9 months. This is so since I am turning 40 and to have some beauties to keep you feel young when growing old is better dated once before turning 40.