It’s further 3 years now and I live by with every word written here by me. I have got better and better and happy with myself.

Exercising does not come naturally to most of us. A very subjective estimate may go like:
– – 90% never exercised and believe they do not need to;
– – 5% think only overweight needs to exercise;
– – of the remaining 5% less than 1% is actually able to exercise and sustain it over a long period of time.
Exercising is a lifestyle issue and not a stop-gap arrangement as if under some medication to get desired results. Empirical research has always proved that optimal level of exercising strengthens both internal and external organs of human body. But despite all what is written, read and understood very few of us are able to introduce exercise as a permanent change in their lifestyle.
Last year, I began exercising after a gap of some 15 years…
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