I have been spending a lot of time watching videos and Ted talks on ‘data visualization’. The constraint of not trying anything new – except a few mountains with sun shining above and a stream flowing from within the mountains towards plains; max a boat could be added with a few birds in flight- in ‘drawing’ as a subject in my childhood reflects on my poor visualization skills.
I was getting carried away by a thought- if I have a good data visualization software, I can do a great job at visualization. This was true till today morning when after watching a Ted talk on data visualization, I decided to instead focus on data sets that I intend to collect and then try understanding it better. Representing them using a software comes later.
So start with I intend to capture the word count of my blog posts since 2006. And then may be use of some positive or negative adjectives.
Now, I believe having a story to share and share it sooner.